
Welcome to South Africa and welcome to our dental practice within a healthy biological framework, as we call it, the "Ethical-Bio-Aesthetic approach"
Introductory video clip to The Home of Biological Dentistry (Click On link below) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GGH193XjjCBBqBWcdet9TCSah7rDgnMp
Come for a consultation, we might be able to assist you in regaining your life and vitality.
'It is more important to understand the imbalances in your body's basic systems and restore balance, rather than name the disease and match the pill to the ill'
1. Are you not well?
2. Have medical doctors not been able to help you?
3. Do you have root canal treated teeth?
4. Have you lost a tooth or had your wisdom teeth extracted?
5. Do you have fillings containing any of the following?
A) Mercury
B) Plastic fillings containing any of these carcinogenic compounds that can be released,
ending up in the human body through re-absorption:
- Fluoride
- Bisphenol-A (BPA)
- Bisphenol glycidyl methacrylate (Bis-GMA)
- Bis-DMA
We are Biologically minded professionals, when you visit our offices, YOU, Your health, Your masticatory function, and Your smile are our top priorities. Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with the personalized, gentle, holistic care that you deserve in a relaxed friendly environment with the best music you can get.
We can help you in many different ways, from toothaches to headache from f.e.a.r. (False Expectations Appearing Real) to emotional freedom! We love healthy patients and we care even more for those who believe they are not.
We abide by The Golden Rule: "Do unto others what you would like to have done unto yourself".
Part of our commitment to serving YOU includes providing information that helps YOU to make more informed decisions about your (oral) health needs. With our approach you will see your oral health as a gateway to your general health!
We are ready to welcome you and serve you. If elsewhere you have not been honored as the beautiful being that you are or if the treatment you received did not meet your expectations we are the dental "Home" you need. We have been fixing "cheap" treatments for many years!
After your consultation with me, I will refer you to a team member to do your treatment, I will oversee and ensure that your treatment will progress as it should. If it is your wish that I support you energetically during your treatment it will be my privilege to do so.
Contact us today! You are the CEO of your own wellness. You need to take back your health from the disease-care system.
The contact numbers are as follow:
Pretoria Branch - Groenkloof
Contact numbers
+27 12 346 2028
+27 12 346 5615
+27 81 818 3308
Email address: info@southafricadentist.com
Click this link to find us: http://www.southafricadentist.com/map-find-us/
Bryanston Branch - Sandton, Jhb
Contact number
+27 74 126 0768
Email address: bryanston@southafricadentist.com
Please browse through our website and be sure to give us a call or drop us a line if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment. We genuinely hope this site is helpful to you in learning more about our practice, oral/dental health care philosophy, treatments, recommendations, that you will find it both useful and interesting, do not forget to check our thought provoking videos section.
HONOUR YOURSELF... Let your gift today be a healthy mouth... a healthy body!
"All medicine comes down to this: find out what doesn't belong in your body get rid of it. Find out what is missing, replace it. The body does the rest.
The fork is the most powerful tool to change your health and the planet; Food is the most powerful medicine to heal chronic illness.
"The body is one integrated system, not a collection of organs divided by medical specialities. The medicine of the future connects everything". Dr A.M. Haffejie www.ohi.co.za / health products
Today's sharing in the eternal now:
Anyone who believes that he or she cares for the environment or desires to see the planet improving should DO something about it, a good way to start is by watching in YouTube or Netflix the documentary called "COWSPIRACY: The Sustainability secret" mind blowing!! Also from Leonardo Di Caprio: "BEFORE THE FLOOD"
ONE of my teachers (Ammachi) shared how Nature and the mind of humanity are equally agitated. It is so important that we calm the mind and connect with the peace that comes from spirit. We must remember that our thoughts are directly affecting the environment of our own lives and the environment of our planet. It is we who are the stewards of this world and it is vital that we focus on how we can assist the whole, instead of focusing only on our own personal world. We must remember that there are Eco systems that we as humans pay little attention to, and yet they have a huge impact on us and we will be deeply affected if they were not here.
All sources that I find honourable and true are all giving the same warning; we are at the edge of the cliff and most of humanity have no real understanding of where we really are at and are totally focused on themselves and their personal 3D way of life. Please do not under estimate how connected your life is to all other life.
An article in the Huffington Post about a joint study conducted by Stanford, Princeton and the University of California at Berkeley. The conclusion of the study, which was published in Science Advances, Vol. 1 No. 5 June 5, 2015, was that the Earth’s ecosystem has actually entered a sixth mass extinction phase.
For those of you who might wish to read the study, here is a link to the article: Click here
as our sedation Doctor was preparing our 3 y-old patient he noticed behind the dental chair a very strong dark skinned man with brown eyes, hair and beard, he continued with his job... a bit later this ethereal man appeared again, when the child was ready for dental treatment our beloved "Jesus" was not to be seen again. Later in the afternoon the child's mother called to report that her son was happy and playing around and to mention that he saw Jesus by his side throughout the procedure!!!!
- as we finished removing an amalgam (following our protocol) our beautiful patient shared that she felt how the tension she had on her legs had vanished after suffering for 20 years and cried because she didn't need to lift her legs with her hands... and I pledge to continue surrendering to God's will for I AM not the doer nor the maker! I am grateful for having chosen this work!
Yours in Good Health, Blessings to you and ALL in the field of your awareness!
Orlando Rojas, DDS (Colombian College of Dentistry)
Our dental practice have been rated as one of the top dental practices in Gauteng.
Anika <https://www.topreviews.co.za
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