Biological Dentistry is an emerging new field of Probiotic (supporting life) dental medicine. It has been developing in Germany over the last 25 years. It is now being taught and practiced in the U.S., Austria, Germany, England, France, Switzerland, Australia, Taiwan, Sweden, and Colombia.
The first area of concern in biological dentistry is the toxicity of metals and their release from the fillings and replacement appliances (metal partials and crowns that have nickel) used in dentistry. These metal ions dissociate from their masses to diffuse, migrate and become absorbed in the tissues altering the electrochemical character of the immune system.
The next area of biological concern is the electrical currents generated by metals in fluids and tissues of the human body. This is called "oral galvanism." Is it possible that these metallic energy sinks are acting as blockades in the meridians or bioenergetic circuits associated with the teeth?
The next area of concern in Biological Dentistry is that of hidden or residual infection to include areas of necrosis and chronic inflammation. Collectively these areas are called "Dental Interference Fields or Foci."
More scientific evidence, do NOT trust whoever tells you that mercury in your teeth is harmless!!
Well, this is nothing new...
Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Chemie, 29. Jahrgang, 15. April 1926, Nr. 15, S. 461-466, Die Gefaehrlichkeit des Quecksilberdampfes, von Alfred Stock (1926)
...the mysterious sickness the mathematician, physicist, and philosopher, Blaise Pascal (1623-1661), succumbed too when he was still young, it was mercury poisoning. Pascal worked with mercury in his well-known barometer research. His suffering from sustained headaches, vertigo, toothache, loss of appetite, and lasting bad colic complete the picture of advanced slow mercury poisoning...
...Particularly significant for insidious mercury poisoning is a noticeable coming and going of symptoms. Following a few days or weeks of improved well-being comes, sometimes setting in suddenly, a time of increased ill health. This also happens in the form of frequent relapses during the recovery period. As soon as my illness had reached its pinnacle, there were, as a rule, one or two tolerable days. Then the saliva flow, runny nose, and sinusitis, starting from the nose down to the throat and sliding down to the bronchi, increased again. There were tooth inflammations, highest fatigability and drowsiness, vexing headache, often also tearing and diarrhea. Headache, drowsiness and memory loss are connected to the irritation of the nerves leading to the upper part of the nose seen in the already mentioned effect of cocaine application on the nasal mucosa.
Apparently there are many similarities between insidious mercury poisoning and the better known lead poisoning. The [latter] is more thoroughly researched because it happens more often in industry. It, too, concerns mainly the nervous system and shows the same waxing and waning of the symptom complex4). "After a period of health the poison can suddenly, without cause, display its effects again by evoking an attack of lead colic or other symptoms. This phenomenon can only be explained by the poison having been encapsulated for a long time in a place in the body to which, suddenly, the circulation has access again..."5). According to F. Schuetz and H. Bernhardt6) lead deposits itself preferably in the spleen, gall bladder, and brain, and is primarily excreted with the bile, possibly also through the colon wall. The kidneys, in this case, are less involved in the acute and chronic course of poisoning. Mercury seems to act similarly. After one year of excluding mercury as the cause of mercury poisoning, it could not be detected in my urine, in spite of the fact that there were still very strong signs of illness. The saliva, however, still contained mercury7).
The toxic by-products of dental bacteria are extremely acidic and will rapidly deplete the acid buffering ionic calcium in the bloodstream. Ionic calcium is the calcium that is carrying an electric charge. People with degenerative diseases have low levels of ionic calcium. When the offending dental infection is removed, the ionic calcium levels are usually restored.
Calcium that can not be utilized becomes toxic to body tissues as the body attempts to find places to store the excess. The deposits can show up as arthritic joints, stones in the kidneys or gall bladder, bursitis, cataracts, and can build up in the arteries. The internal aspects of the cell and the cellular membrane can also become calcified. This blocks the cell's ability to receive nutrients and to expel waste material. Sugar destroys phosphorus leading to acidity and free calcium.